I am B.sc student with Maths, Statistics and computer applications background then which would be better
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master in Business analytics
master in Information technology
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Hey, SOP and LOR done in just 10 days ..Very happy with the final draft. #masters #ms #SOP #lor
I have 23 backlogs,Which unis is best to apply for masters in USA? Toefl = 97 Cgpa= 6.36 Will i get admits? Pls reply.
#fall2023 #admissions #Btech #backlogs
Hi all, Does all the university notify us with their decision even if it is a reject? I have applied to around 8 universities during December, out of which I never heard back from 7 of them. #admissions#admissionstatus
Can anyone please suggest me the best universities for MS in US??
B.Tech Percentage: 67.29 (3.16/4.0 GPA) WES Evaluation: Done Duolingo Score: 120 No GRE B. Tech Major; Computer Science Applying for Masters in CS #msincomputerscience