Madhukar J Jadhav

Madhukar J Jadhav

Fall 2017

8 years ago

Hey Guys, Need help finalizing University for MIS program for fall 2017. My sole interest is to g

Hey Guys,
Need help finalizing University for MIS program for fall 2017.
My sole interest is to get a good Job with handsome salary after completing the MIS Program. Financial aid is not a concern.
1. University of Illinois at Chicago - MIS - its a 1 year Program with 32 credits to be completed.
2. Northeastern University - Information Systems - CO-OP is very good at NEU
3. Iowa State University - MIS
4. Awaiting result for University of Texas - Dallas - MIS.
Request you all, to help select the best of the above list or prioritize them.
Thank you in Advance. :)


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