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Swapnil Banduke
spring 2025
Help in Duolingo test
Can anyone help me out in attempting Duolingo test?#Duolingo #ms #Usa
Comments (22)
Hi, is anybody looking forward to go to Germany after their 12th for both bachelors and masters?!
#germany #law #worlwideopportunities #germanuniversities #GERMANY #German
University list under STEM course related to UIUX design
I know #HCI and #humanfactorsandergonomics are good course but wanna know universities of that. Also if any other course
Pls help me decide what I should do Appostile or notarized my documents I have no idea....documents #act #applicationp
MS US : Changing from Civil to Computer Science
Hi, I have completed my bachelor's in civil engineering and have 2 years work experience in Information technology.