Hello there! I want to study USA. How do I know the application fee waiver code for the US universities
#USA #computerScience #applicationfeewaiver
Comments (1)
MS in USA 🇺🇸
Hi, i have completed my Bachelors in Computer science engineering with 6.3 CGPA(10), i have cleared 27 backlogs in my btech. Now i am willing to take Computer science as my masters. Can i get an Admit. Can anyone suggest me any universities and i taken a GRE and TOEFL tests . GRE -: 316 TOEFL -: 94 #admissions #applicationprocess #accomodation
Councellor suggested following universities for Data Science. Are these universities really good?
My profile: GRE 304 ( V 139 , Q 165 AWA 3 ) Centre based . CGPA : 8.44 zero BL 2021 passout ( Electrical engineering ) TOEFL : Giving in last wk of NOV . Intership : 2 core electrical Work experience ; 1 yr and counting Department core field University suggested by councellor: 1) University of Arizona 2) University of Houston Clear lake 3) University of Texas Arlington 4) John Hopkins University 5) University of North Texas 6) University of Maryland Baltimore #datascience #profileevalutation #admissions U#universitiesniversity of Houston
Tell me some good universities with tution fee below 25 lakhs
I want to go for spring 2023 or fall 2023. I had pretty good profile like 89% in Btech and job experience of 1.5 years. Can you please tell me good Universities for ms in CS which has fee around 25 lakhs and off campus part times are easily available. Thanks in advance #cs #MSCS #USA #fall2022 #parttimejobs #gooduniversities
Anybody Interested
"I aim to build a network of friendships conducive to studying abroad in the USA." #studyabroad #bachelors