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Siri P
fall 2023
Hello mentors, Please suggest some universities based on my profile, CGPA 6.85 IELTS 7
Comments (1)
Winter 23 germany ,masters students WhatsApp group ,if you want to join comment on it i will dm the link ,
#Germany #GERMANY #Munich #studyabroad #studyingermany
MSBA at University of Cincinnati vs University of Utah?
I have admits from these colleges and need help in deciding which one to choose. Any help/guidance would be appreciated
issue regarding name in Passport and degree certificate
I'm from south india my name in 10th,12th and degree certificate is mentioned as Aman Kumar P A. In passport my initials
Sending wes evaluation reports to different university after sending them to a different university earlier
Can anyone help me out regarding wes evaluation?I've already sent to one university in Feb. Now I want to send the eval