Spring 2021
7 years ago
Hello everyone. (Anyone with same profile as mine, please contact me) #ProfileEvaluation Could yo
Hello everyone.
(Anyone with same profile as mine, please contact me)
Could you please help me deciding a list of Safe, Moderate and Ambitious Universities ! I have already sent scores to ASU, Minnesota Twin Cities, Univ of florida, Simon Fraser Univ Burnaby
Desired course: MS Computer Science or specifically MS Data Science
GPA: 6.8 (got 1 F grade but recovered in next sem)
College: IIT Kanpur (B.Tech) (wont help much but seniors told me TexasA&M and Minnesota twin consider it a little bit)
GRE : 316(149V,167Q,AWA-expecting above 3)
TOEFL: 103(28R,26L,23S,26W)
Work exp : 11 months (Business Analyst)
Research Intern(Robotics) at Ecole de Technologie Superiere, Montreal, Canada
Software intern at Renesas Electronics (developing applications for a sensor)
Selected for Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science, presented my work(Aldebaran Robotics) at the Kyushu university in japan
Software Intern at SPP ,Osaka, Japan
No Research Papers
No Academic Projects
few online courses and online projects on Machine Learning displayed on my github
LOR : 8(on a scale of 10) (from 1 prof in IIT Kanpur, 2 prof from my above internship and 1 supervisor from the above internship)
SOP: approx 7(on a scale of 10)
I have not yet started working on SOP, Please guide me little to make a strong SOP to overcome my weakness
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