7 years ago
Hello #askall #askbidura. I am a bit confused about the universities where I should apply for chem
Hello #askall #askbidura.
I am a bit confused about the universities where I should apply for chemical engineering fall 2018. Also I'm more keen on PhD rather than MS but suggestions for both are welcome.
Following is my profile
Gpa- 8.76 ( rank -7 )
Gre - 323 ( quant -170 ) AWA - 4.5
Branch- chemical engineering
publications- 1 conference ( highly reputed - ECS) first author
1 journal under review
Work ex- working in a relevant field in a fortune 50
1 summer internship
NGO experience in education and health
Extra curriculars- decent ( college clubs and represented in sports )
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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5 years ago
@mayankrajgupta99 @Praharaj @Sumur2611 @Kumar111 @Sushmasr @Kumar111
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