got rejected twice applied for the third time My gre is 310, Ielts is 7.5, 7.04 BE from gitam. 7.11

got rejected twice applied for the third time
My gre is 310, Ielts is 7.5, 7.04 BE from gitam. 7.11 from Nit Warangal. 3.5 yrs experience as assistant professor in ECE from KL university.

First time Hyderabad

This was my first time visa Experience. This is my Visa interview experience--

Reached consulate at 9:30AM, allowed inside at 10:00am.My slot is for 10:30AM.

after security checks waited inside for an hour till 11:50AM. 

Was in the queue for counter #13. Consulate  supporting staff lady took my passport and I20 and handed it to the counselor even when I was behind the yellow line and the interview before me was still in progress.

my interview started around 12:00 noon.

1.VO: Tell me about your specialization? 
ME: MS in EE at TAMU kingsville 

2.VO: No, tell me what is your major? 
ME: Sensor design(I thought she was asking about my field of interest. I did my M.Tech in Electronic instrumentation and BE in ECE)

3:VO: Tell me about sensor design? 

ME: Explained

4: VO: so,how do you fund your education? 
ME: Have Education  loan sanctioned for 28L ..(VO:how much?) 28L..(VO:remaining how?)my parents and my savings..of 27L.

5. VO:5.What does your father do? 
Me: My father has a construction business, He does construction projects on contract and sub contract basis.

 6.VO: Show me all the passbooks in your hand?

You have got large transaction of  6 Lakhs on 20th may how do you explain?

ME:Well it's not large I have got a cheque for 3 Lakhs 2 days before of 20th may it got credited on 20th.

 7:VO: what about the other 3 Lakhs ?

ME : we have got postal deposits matured on 20th may.

8: VO: Do you have any proof for postal deposits? 
ME: No, I don't have ( I thought I had more than enough fund to show and thought 3 Lakhs was not significant and did not take the postal pass book )

9:VO: She checked all the passbooks again n again asked what does your father do?

ME:My father has a construction business, He does construction projects on contract and sub contract basis.

Sorry I can't issue Visa at this point.

second time Chennai

My visa was rejected 2nd time on 20th July...Here is the transcript of my visa interview
My time slot was 10:30Am, reached consulate by 7:40am. The girl before me got approved. VO's name is Christopher.My interview started at sharp 9:00am.
Me: good morning sir
VO: good morning, pass me your passport,i 20.(passed both). So you have been to Hyderabad consulate before.
Me: yes.(I got rejected on 20th June)
VO: Are you from Hyderabad?
Me:no sir, I am from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
VO:is Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh.
Me:yes Sir
VO: Tell me why Texas a&m university, kingsville?
Me: well, first and foremost thing is it has got a lot of  amount of research done by the faculty  in micro electronics. It fits my profile n match's my field of interest which is:
Micro/nano sensors.
Application specific ic design
And rapid prototyping

Also the course curriculum is designed in such a way that it is research and development oriented and on par with industrial standards .
It also has designated labs for 
Design n testing..

VO:what do you want to do after MS?

Me:I want to return to my country, Get in to a professional career with emphasis on design and development of sensor.

I would also like to put up a firm on design and development of sensor. as vijayawada is new capital of our state and lot of investments are coming up.

VO: what are your funds for education?

ME: well, my family is funding my education. my parents have a annual income of 12.4 Lakhs and we have a savings of 27 Lakhs. I also have an education loan sanctioned for 28Lakhs. our total assets are worth 7 crores.

VO:what does your father do ?

ME: my father has a civil construction business, he does projects like building apartments and lays roads.

VO:( after long typing and reading on screen ) I cannot approve your visa under US immigration Laws( hands over me  a blue slip, where it is ticked that I don't full fill the requirements for non immigrant visa.

ME: Can I know the reason ?

VO: Just because you change the consulate, I doesn't me your visa will be approved.

1. Can I know what is the reason for rejection?is it the university or financials or my n teaching experience?

2. What should I say if asked what changes have you made to your profile, as I didn't make any but have proofs of financial transactions?

3. If they ask, why were you rejected the third time?


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