Exciting News: Accepted into Computer Science!
Excited to announce my acceptance to Florida Atlantic University for Computer Science. Hard work, dedication, and perseverance made it possible!
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Profile evaluation for MS CS
- BTech (ECE, 7.5 GPA) - Working as a Software Engineer (2 yrs) - IELTS: 7 - No GRE Score Will be completing applications before 15jan for CSU long beach, Oregon state Uni, SUNY Buffalo. Please do suggest some unis according to profile. #fall2023 #MSCS #NoGre
Regarding schoarships
What are some ways to get scholarship for people pursuing masters?? #studyabroad #admissions #USA #studyabroad
How to build a strong profile to stand out from the rest of the applicants?
Profile building is always perceived as a tricky task by students aspiring to study abroad as not a lot can be done to improve the profile by the time students begin their application process. However, there are certain things that should be taken care of in order to stand out from the rest of the applicants. While long and demanding, the application process to study abroad can also be exciting and rewarding since it can lead you to a brighter, more fulfilling future. Especially when the acceptance rates for the universities in the US range anywhere from as low as 4.8% to as high as 92.9%, differentiating yourself from the crowd becomes all the more important as that is how unpredictable the admissions in abroad universities could be. The following 5 factors will help you build a strong profile: 1. Extracurricular Activities All-around development of students, and not just academic achievements, are especially emphasized by the majority of universities. Here’s how you can do it. > Take Up Online Course - certificate courses online from websites like edX or Coursera about certain topics that intrigue you and are relevant to the Master’s course. > Participate in Inter-School Competitions - to showcase your non-academic skills. > Take up Offline Classes - to develop a hobby. > Join an NGO - this is highly valued by US Universities as well as good for your personal growth and development. 2. Academic Record Your SAT, IELTS, and TOEFL scores, along with your performance at school, are going to be what initially catches the admissions committee’s eye. Here’s how you can prepare for the exams and score higher. > Allocating a couple of hours every day to studying. > Taking mock practice tests. This is highly underrated. You have no clue what a crucial role mock tests play in improving the scores. > Knowing how best to utilize your time. > By taking the help of your teachers and peer. 3. Work Experience Having work experience gives you an edge over other applicants since it showcases the virtues of responsibility, time management, and teamwork. The benefit of work experience: > Helps you to clarify what you want in your career > Makes you more independent > Acquiring essential soft skills > Better financial stability > Bridges the gap between undergraduate college life and corporate life > Competitive Edge over others 4. Letters of Recommendation It is one of the significant aspects of the application process, which can be a deciding factor for your acceptance into an institution. Always try to get these from the professors (if academic) / managers (if professional) with whom you have worked very closely or who have closely witnessed your personal growth. Universities do check back with these people. 5. (Goes without saying) A stellar SOP Your SOP should explicitly show your passion, clarity of thoughts, dedication, inspiration, and most importantly, uniqueness. Quick tips on framing the same: > First paragraph: Start with a story from your childhood or something you want to do in the future. > Second/Third paragraph: Talk about the projects you did in college. > Final paragraph: Talk about your research interests and why you chose this university. > Last line: Something along the lines of ‘I thank you for giving me an opportunity to present myself to you, and hope to hear from you in the positive.’ Thus, you must immediately start making careful plans and putting in the advance effort if you want to be admitted to the institution of your choice. This will help you build an outstanding profile and increase your chances of getting accepted. Good luck :) #ProfileBuilding #spring2023 #Fall2023
GRE Waiver for Fall 2023 intake
Hi all, I wanted to know if any US universities have waived GRE (completely waiver) for the Fall 2023 intake, for Masters in Business Analytics. If yes, can someone please provide me with the list of universities for MSBA? Thanks in advance. #msba #fall2023 #grewaiver #MSinUS