Saketh Vadlamudi

Saketh Vadlamudi

Fall 2024

2 years ago

Final University Suggestion

Hi Guys, I am not able to decide my univs. I know that I am late for my applications and many univs are near deadline. If possible please have a look at my profile and suggest some top100 univs for CS where I have good chances of getting an admit for MS in CS Fall' 23 CGPA :9.56 IELTS: 7.5 GRE: 307 (q157, v150, awa 4) Work Experience: 11 Months as Java developer Projects: 3 If you have gone through my profile, please do comment a university that you think I can get an admit in. Thankyou in advance. #universityshortlisting #please #helpme #fall2023 #MSCS #applicationprocess #admissions #SuggestUniversisites #usa


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