
University Type


University Type

World University Rank


World University Rank

Average Living Expenses


Average Living Expenses

The Concordia University of Edmonton, previously known as Concordia University College of Alberta, is a private university in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The university has five faculties and two schools which are: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Management, School of Physical Education and Wellness, and the School of Music. Concordia University offers excellent university-level bachelor degree programs, after-degree programs, and unique cross-disciplinary majors; and is committed to providing the highest standards in education, service, and professional conduct. Concordia University is globally recognized and is ranked 77th by country and 5090 at world rank in UniRank.


Cost of Studying at Concordia University of Edmonton

Average tuition fee


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5000+ Students

Availed education loan

3000+ Cr

Loan amount sanctioned

100% Free

Assistance for loan process

Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Average on-campus living expenses


Admissions at The Concordia University of Edmonton

Application Fee

CA$100 - CA$104

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Rankings for The Concordia University of Edmonton

The World University Rankings


The World University Rankings

Students Concordia University of Edmonton


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Rutvik Patel

Rutvik Patel

Information Systems Security Management

Fall 2023

Gloria Okpala

Gloria Okpala

Information Systems Security Management

Fall 2024

Shivam Baikerikar

Shivam Baikerikar

Information Systems Security Management

Fall 2023

Kingsley Adjei-Antwi

Kingsley Adjei-Antwi

Information Systems Security Management

Fall 2023

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Gopi R
Gopi R

5 months ago

Which university is better and why Concordia university wisconsin or Auburn university at Montgomery??
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Akash Nixon
Akash Nixon

7 months ago

Concordia University
Masters in Information Systems Security
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Dhruvil Shah
Dhruvil Shah

7 months ago

Hey i have applied for mcs in Western and macs in Concordia. Which is better at overall comparison for intl students.
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Akhil Dhiman
Akhil Dhiman

7 months ago

Concordia May 2024 Admits
Hi folks did anyone got acceptance for pursuing Masters at Concordia University, Montreal '24 intake #masters #ms #computerScience
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Meleesha fernando
Meleesha Fernando

8 months ago

Which is best among MacEwan university and Concordia University of Edmonton in Canada?
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