gowthamaraj rajendran

Gowthamaraj Rajendran

Fall 2019

5 years ago

cgpa:9.55(University rank 4/320) - EEE gre : 324(168q,156v) ms domain : cyber security/information

cgpa:9.55(University rank 4/320) - EEE gre : 324(168q,156v) ms domain : cyber security/information security international conference presentation : 4(related to cyber security) online specializations in Coursera : 7 on cyber security CEH certification - 60 credits earned ccna r&s training and certification internship - 5 (4.5months) work experience in teaching Cyber security as a freelancer for 40hrs. many GitHub projects on opencv, ml, python - 7-8 projects few University projects. with this profile, can i apply for the following universities? 1-Georgia tech - information security 2-cmu - information security

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