Can someone please evaluate my profile and suggest me some ambitious, moderate and safe universities

Can someone please evaluate my profile and suggest me some ambitious, moderate and safe universities

MS\ Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
College - NIT Trichy
CGPA - 8.95/10 (B.Tech Chem.E)
12th percentage - 95.8% (CBSE)
10th CGPA - 9.8
Work Ex - 6 months
2 month Intern IITB
1 month intern IITM
3 month intern NUS Singapore
GRE - 335 Verbal 165 Quant 170 AWA 4
TOEFL - Given Results not yet out
Research Papers - 1 International Journal Publication. 1 Ongoing Should be published by the time I apply.
Projects - 4 Research Projects


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