Vishal Varshney

Vishal Varshney

Fall 2018

7 years ago

@Biruda @iGrad #profileevaluation #universityconfusion Profile Evaluation Request for MS - Fal

@Biruda @iGrad
#profileevaluation #universityconfusion
Profile Evaluation Request for MS - Fall'18:
GRE: 329 (170 quant + 159 verbal+ 4 AWA)
TOEFL: yet to take
GPA: 8.25/10
Bachelors: Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
College: BITS Pilani'16
LORs: 2 Strong(Associate prof and manager) + 1 Mod (Assistant prof)
Papers: None
Electives taken: OOP, OS, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, ML (Took in last sem, got C grade but got to do some projects as part of the course)
Projects: 1. Random Forrests for Handwritten Digit Recognition (ML based)
2. Human Activity recognition using kNN and time series analysis (ML Based)
3. Speech Recognition using GMMs (ML based)
4. Path planning of obstacle avoiding robot in MATLAB with GA optimized fuzzy logic algorithm
5. Autonomous Cargo Sorting Robot. Lead the team to an All India 4th position (out of 3107 teams) in finals of the eYRC competition held at IIT Bombay.
1. Orange Business Services, Gurgaon( Designed a vehicle tracking system involving GPS, GPRS and RFID Technologies)
2. NVIDIA, Bangalore (developed Standalone asymptotic analysis tool for profiling codebase in Perl)
Work-ex: 2 yrs by July 2018
NVIDIA, Bangalore (Internal software tool development in perl for build flow for pre-silicon stages of the chip; and a project involved ElasticSearch and visualizations in Kibana.)
(Interested in pursuing further in Intelligent systems for Autonomous Robots or ML/AI apllications)
Universities: CMU (ECE)
GaTech (CS or ECE?? please advise)
Wisconsin-Madison (CS)
Please look at my university shortlist and advise on Ambi/Mod/Safe Universities and if I should be applying in CS or ECE dept.
Also, in case my list appears Ambi heavy then request you to suggest some universities where I might stand a good chance (Mod/Safe)


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