Prakhyat Mathur

Prakhyat Mathur

Fall 2017

8 years ago

#AskShirish #AskManjeeth #AskAkash #HelpGuys Biotechnology undergraduate Undergraduation as of 6th

#AskShirish #AskManjeeth #AskAkash #HelpGuys Biotechnology undergraduate Undergraduation as of 6th semester: 83.52% Will be able to publish one research paper in international journal by the time I apply as they're under review. one or two in press. Good Extracurricular/Good LORs/Good SOP GRE: 316 (157V 159Q) 4.5AWA TOEFL: 105 (expected) No work experience (Yes, none. Involved actively in research projects related to curriculum) Plan to study MS in Biotechnology, Biomedical Sciences. Have listed 13 of such universities. Kindly assist in me categorizing them into Ambitious, Moderate, and Safe. Will be thankful. 1. NYU (New York University, New York) 2. University of Illinois at Chicago 3. Penn State 4. University of Pennslyvania 5. University of Wisconsin Madison 6. Purdue Univ 7. Drexel Univ 8. UC Davis 9. Illinois Urbana 10. Virginia Tech 11. George Town Univ 12. SUNY 13. Univ of Massachusetts, Boston thank you.

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