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Sakshi Singal
fall 2018
Anyone attending LIU brooklyn for fall 2018?
Comments (2)
very confused about where to study abroad.
Hello, I am currently in Grade 12 and am very confused about where to study abroad.I Want To Study In The United State
Winter 23 germany ,masters students WhatsApp group ,if you want to join comment on it i will dm the link ,
#Germany #GERMANY #Munich #studyabroad #studyingermany
***Northeastern University, Boston admission for MS in ECE***
Hey guys,My GRE score-318(AWA-3, Q-166, V-152)IELTS-7(S-6.5, W-6, L-7, R-7.5)CGPA-7.86What are my chances for gettin
Recommend Canadian Universities and their chances
Hi all, I have a B.Tech. in CSE with CGPA 7(~70%).Got 2+ years of relevant experience in MNC as Software Developer.IEL