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naincy agarwal
fall 2019
@anujgv Please share your strategies for quant.
@anujgvPlease share your strategies for quant.
Comments (1)
Hi , My company says they don't have a policy of giving LOR to employees. Should I take all 3 LOR from my professors in this case? Also, how will the university verify my work experience - that i have actually worked in this company if i dont give an LOR from them? Will this impact me negatively? Applying for MEM/MTM degrees. Please help. #LOR #lor
University confusion
I have an admit for NEU Mps analytics, ASU(MSBA) and UTD (MSBA). Which is good among the 3? #admissions #universityselection #universitydecisions #UTD #northeastern #asu
I am planning to Study Computer Science(UG) in Canda? Any road map?
Currently, I'm giving my CBSE board exams and I want to do under graduation in computer science in Canda, I have missed the opportunity to fill the Fall Sept batch. I've no clue how things will go. Can anyone help me with this? I'm planning to take January 2023 or Summer 2023 batch but I'm not sure if any good university takes admission for these batches, I'm feeling kinda lost. #bachelors #computerScience #Canada
Suggest Unis for MSCS in US (fall 23)
CGPA: 9.06 IELTS: 7.5 Work Experience: 1 year internship + 6 months full time Projects: 4 (2 college projects, 1 job project, 1 personal project) GRE yet to give, but targeting 320+ #admissions