Hari Arivoli

Hari Arivoli

Fall 2018

7 years ago

@ankita25 #ProfileEvaluation Profile : GRE - 313 (Q 163, V 150) CGPA - CS : 7.12 IELTS - 8 Work

@ankita25 #ProfileEvaluation Profile : GRE - 313 (Q 163, V 150) CGPA - CS : 7.12 IELTS - 8 Work Experience : 18 months 1. San Jose - Software Engineering 2. UNC, Charlotte - CS 3. ASU - CS or IT 4. UC Irvine - Software Engineering 5. UC Riverside - CS 6. CSU Long Beach - CS 7. SFSU - CS 8. IIT Chicago - CS 9. University of Houston - CS 10. CSU East Bay - CS 11. SUNY Buffalo - CS Categorize my list of Universities as Ambitious, Moderate and Safe.

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