krithi murugavel

Krithi Murugavel

7 years ago

@ankita25 hi, this is my profile gre :- 308 155 q 153 - v toefle :- 104 cgpa 8.4 college of en

@ankita25 hi, this is my profile gre :- 308 155 q 153 - v toefle :- 104 cgpa 8.4 college of engineering guindy intern at samsung semiconductors hardware dept for 2 months 4 projects i have these universities in mind 1. ucsc 2. uc Irvine 3. nyu 4.notre dame 5.rochester institue of tech 6. uic 7. viriginia tech 8.unive of maryland, collegepark 9.northeastern univ of iowa 11.arizona 12.utd 13.ut Arlington i am applying arizona , utd and uic. i want to choose 4 more univ from the list. can you help me with that or any other suggestions also will be nice. thankyou

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