Profile Details:
University: Wayne State University
Course: MS in Electrical Engineering
First Attempt
Mumbai Consulate
Date: December 2017
Status: Approved
Counter No: 29
Visa Interview Experience:
Visa officer was the youngest guy of all with a jacket on and was approving many visas but he rejected the person in front of me and he got pissed of when that person asked him the reason of rejection.
VO: Pass me passport and I20.
ME: Yes sir, I also have my Sevis fee receipt.
VO: Its fine, what's your GRE score?
ME: 297, 155 in Quants and 4 in AWA.
VO: How many university you applied?
ME: I have applied to 8 university.
VO: How many admits
ME: Five Sir.
VO: Which 4 apart from this university?
ME: UT Arlington, UNCC, San Francisco, Cleveland State.
VO: Why Wayne State?
ME: I was impressed by the research done under professor Casheng Wang in the field of Microgrid and smart grid, and he recently received an award for his research, I also have scholorship of $3000per semester.
VO: How are you going to fund this education?
ME: My father is my sponsor, he is working in an MNC.
VO: How much is his income?
ME: Told.
VO: Congrats your visa is approved, collect it in 3-5 days.
ME: Thank you so much.