Profile Details:
University: Indiana University
Course: MS in Computer Science
Mumbai Consulate
Date: May 2018
Status: Approved
Counter No: 14
Visa Interview Experience:
VO was a guy. Could not judge his age.
VO: Pass me your i-20 and passport.
ME: passed. Do you need Sevis fee receipt too?
VO: It's okay. It's not required
VO: Sir, you are going for Computational Science at Indiana University?
ME: It's also called Data Science and I will be going for that course.
VO: So how are you going to finance your studies?
ME: My parents will be sponsoring me. They have savings of X lakhs and I have a loan from Prodigy Finance for $81,800.
VO: What are the conditions of the loan?
ME: Rate of Interest is 9.74% and tenure is 15 years.
VO: Are you considering any other schools?
ME: Nope. I have admits from 6 universities and rejects from 2.
(Was going to explain more about the curriculum. But VO interrupted me)
VO: Sir, I don't need to hear anything else. Your visa is approved!
(Passed me a slip telling how to collect passport)
ME: Thank you. You made my day!