Student VISA

Fall 2017 Visa Experience: (Mumbai Consulate | Stevens Institute of Technology | Engineering Management)

Kashyap Matani

Profile Details:

University: Stevens Institute of Technology
Course: MS in Engineering Management

First Attempt
Mumbai Consulate
July 2017
Status: Approved

Visa interview Experience:

VO: Waving his Hand (Come ahead)
Good Morning Sir, How are you?

VO: Good, What about You?

VO: Pass me your Documents
There you Go (Passing the Documents).

VO: So why have you Chosen Stevens?
Sir I am Working as a Site Engineer for a Reputed Company in Mumbai Known as Kosmos Developers and to Get promoted as a project Manager you need a Construction Management Degree.

VO: Why have you chosen Stevens?
The Course work of Stevens is really Good. It has a perfect balance of Management Studies and Technical studies. That's what makes Stevens Awesome.

VO: Stevens Huh? Sounds Good. How are you going to Fund your education?
My Father is going to Fund my Education.

VO: What does he do?
He works as an Assistant General Manager in. (forgot the name of the company for 2secs.. hand on head) Yash Birla. Birla Surya Private limited

VO: Is that a Construction Company?
No sir, that Company is into Manufacturing of Solar Cells.

VO: Ok have to thought of Accommodation?
I have thought of taking On Campus Accommodation but I have not yet Decided yet. Once I get my Visa Approved I will ask my Senior and Decide Accordingly.

VO: Then Go and Ask your Seniors about it (passes the I20 and SEVIS fee Receipt.. For a second I thought it was a Reject) Your Visa is Approved.(Waving his Hand)
Thank you So much sir. You made my day. Have a Nice Day

Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.

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