Student VISA

Fall 2017-F1 Visa Experience: (Mumbai Consulate | University of Texas at Arlington | Computer Science- Approved)


Profile Details:

University: University of Texas- Arlington
Course: MS in Computer Science

Second Attempt
Mumbai Consulate
July 2017
Status: Approved
Counter No: 23

Visa interview Experience:

VO: Pass me your passport and i20. How many universities did you apply to?
6 universities. 2 admits 2 reject and 2 are still under review.

VO: Why did you choose UTA over the other one?
Explained about the curriculum and research work.

VO: When did you finish your bachelor's degree, CGPI, GRE score?
Told her.

VO: Your I20 says that your program is CS. What will be your specialization and why?
 Data science. It's a new and brimming field has a lot of scope. It was also termed as a the sexiest job in 2016 (she gave me a smile and told that it's right I heard that too. Nice)

VO: Have you ever gone out of India?
once for sports. (She looked at me all surprised. She seemed interested and starting asking more about it)

VO: What subject will you be taking in your first Semester?
Named a few.

VO: Which one of them will be most fun for you?
Told her data mining. Because it was my favorite even in my undergraduate.

VO: Who is going to sponsor your education?
My father and I have an education loan of xxx lakhs.

VO: What your father does. And his income?
 Answered both.

VO: When do you have to start paying your loan back?
Told her that it's after 3 years.

VO: That's like immediate after your graduation. That's a short amount of time.
ME: Yes.
(She then typed something on her computer for like 15 seconds. I was really scared by then)

VO: Congrats. I'm approving your visa. All the best.

After hearing this I practically ran out with a huge grin on my face.

  • The key to crack the interview is confidence and a smile.
  • Don't make them repeat their question more than once.
  • Be confident about your answer. And relax.


Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity. 

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