Student VISA

Fall 2017 – F1 Student Visa Experience: (Mumbai Consulate | University of Texas - Arlington | Electrical Engineering - Approved)

Tumul Buch

Profile Details:

University: University of Texas - Arlington
Course: MS in Electrical Engineering

Second Attempt
Chennai Consulate
July 2017
Status: Rejected
Counter No: 23

Visa Interview Experience:

VO: Why UTA?
One of my professor named Dr. Ravishankar who is very well known for VLSI recommended this university and gave me positive reviews about the program, so when I looked into the course curriculum I found tht the course work covers advance concepts in Digital VLSI design and Nano Electronics and these courses are offered by the centre for Nanoscale 3D physical design and circuit simulation which has huge infrastructure. This ensures I would get very good practical exposure in this domain. Apart from this it has faculty members who are known internationally as well, because of these reasons I chose UTA.

VO: How many colleges applied?
6 and I named them.

VO: How many admits

VO: How many pending?
: Got decision from all so nothing is pending.

VO: How many backlogs?
1 which was because I fell at the mid of my exams but cleared it very next semester.

VO: Who is sponsoring?
I have an education loan of xx lakhs and my father has saved xx lakhs in the form of savings, PF and life insurance policies.
Apart from that we have fixed assets of worth xx crore.
(Meanwhile he was typing and typing and typing for long time since he started my interview). and then typing typing he gave me 214b slip with first box ticked.
Then asked May I know the reason for my rejection he told sorry it's mentioned in the slip and according to the US laws. I said thank you sir and left the counter).

Third Attempt

Mumbai Consulate
Date: August 2017
Status: Approved
Counter No: 26

VO: Through hand gesture told me to come forward.
Good morning officer, How are you doing today!

VO: Good morning. (Here he scanned my passport and was looking at the system)
Honestly Sir this is my third attempt. I'm very much determined to pursue my masters and in my last interviews I was not given a chance to convey all my information accurately. But this time I am very confident and ready to state my candidacy clearly.

VO looked at me and nodded his head with no expression on his face.
VO: So you have given your past interview in Chennai. So, why Mumbai?
Sir, I have my orientation coming up soon. Also, I waited for good no of days but I couldn't find slots and the earliest available slots were in Mumbai, so I booked my slot here. (VO raised his eyebrows and looked at me, I was looking into his eyes with a smile on my face)

VO: So, what's your GRE score.

VO: You have 1 backlog right?
Yes sir.

VO: what's your specialization?

VO: What’s that?
Very large scale integration system sir.
(Was nodding his head).Then he was going through the comments that other officers in my previous interview had entered and then left the counter with my passport. I think he had gone to discuss my case with other officers. Meanwhile there were numerous thoughts running in my mind where I started thinking about my next step if I don't get my visa. So, after around 10 minutes officer came back and again started my interview.

VO: How many schools applied?

VO: How many admits?

VO: How many rejects?

VO: Which are those?
Named them.

VO: So, how are you sponsoring your studies?
My parents are sponsoring me primarily and also I have an education loan.

VO: What does your parents do?
My father works as a xx in yy company and my mother is a homemaker and also looks after our housing property.

VO: What's their annual income?
My father's annual income is xx lakhs and my mother gets the rental income of yy lakhs.

VO: You told, you have an education loan right on what basis?
It's on collateral.

VO: Again how many university applied?

(Meanwhile he was typing for a minute or so)
Then I asked him Sir can I tell you about my project that I did in my bachelors.

VO: What was that?
Explained well about my project (VO seemed convinced with my answer, so there was some kind of hope that he would approve my visa)

VO: How is that related to your specialization?
Explained him very well and also conveyed my intention of coming back to India in this (VO nodded his head and was very convinced)
Typing for few minutes
Finally came the golden words.

VO: Ok ma'am I am approving your visa and you will get the notification to collect your passport.
Seriously, thank you so much sir, thank you, have a good day.

Took my umbrella that I had left on the seat there and walked towards exit.
My interview lasted for around 15 mins.

What I would like to suggest is that dress well and prepare for the worst case and give your best. And as everyone says, confident is the main key. Always keep a smile on your face and look into the eyes of the officer when you answer and also be a little loud. These were the advice that I received from others which helped me a lot. And I was prepared well for why this university, why MS and what plans after graduation. But none of these questions were asked and rest that I answered was all framed at that moment by just remembering the key words.

Lastly what I would like to say is that just give your best and leave the rest to God.

Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.

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