Profile Details:
University: Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Course: MS in Computer Science
First Attempt
Hyderabad Consulate
Date: July 2017
Status: Approved
Visa Interview Experience:
VO: Hello!
ME: Hello Ma'am.
VO: Pass me your I20 please.
ME: Sure.
VO: So why Texas A&M?
ME: *Told about the research*
VO: This is basic. Tell me why exactly only Texas A&M?
ME: Ma'am the electives provided by my university align with the subjects I had in my undergraduate and this is going to help me with the course.
VO: *gives a look*, Tell me about your specialization?
ME: Told about DBMS.
VO: Tell me more about your electives?
ME: Had to blabber till she was satisfied.
VO: How are you going to fund your education?
ME: I have an education loan of 35 lakhs and my father is ready to sponsor me.
VO: What is your dad?
ME: *told*
VO: Pass me your Loan sanction letter.
ME: *done*
VO: Why did you take a loan of 35 lakhs when your i20 mentions a much lesser amount?
ME: To be on the safe side.
VO: Do you have a car?
ME: Yes.
VO: Details and when did you buy it?
ME: *told*
VO: Members in your family?
ME: *told*
VO: What is your GRE score?
ME: 313
VO: Undergrad percentage?
ME: 70.
VO: Do you have any backlogs?
ME: No.
VO: I hope you enjoy your stay in Texas. Ma'am I am approving your visa. Thank you.
ME: Thank you so much ma'am.
Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.