Profile Details:
University: University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Course: MS in Mechanical Engineering
Second Attempt
Chennai Consulate
Date: July 2017
Status: Approved
Counter No: 31
Visa Interview Experience:
ME: Hello, Good morning sir!
VO: Hi, Good morning. Pass me your passport and I-20 please.
Me: Passed.
VO: So Which University?
ME: UNC Charlotte.
VO: How many schools did you apply for?
ME: 6.
VO: How many admits?
ME: 6.
VO: Name them.
Register for F1 Visa Awareness Session⬅️
VO: So why UNCC?
ME: Known for research in Manufacturing field, mentioned few professors names and their research area and how they are in line with my interests.
VO: How did you come across this University?
ME: Research on net.
VO: How will you support yourself during the study?
ME: Told about my parents occupation and their respective income, Education loan as well.
VO: What will you do for second year?
ME: Have semi liquid asset in form of policies which I'll be using them.
VO: Can I see your loan sanction letter?
ME: Passed.
After typing for several minutes heard
VO: Your Visa has been approved, have a pleasant stay!
Thanked him and left the place with joy!!!
- All that matters is your confidence and bit of Luck on the Day.
- It's okay to talk to random person standing in the line with you and smile at them.
- It helps you to overcome tension at that time.
Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.