Profile Details:
University: Northwest Missouri State University
Course: MS in Computer Science
First Attempt
Chennai Consulate
Date: July 2017
Status: Rejected
Counter No: 26
Visa Interview Experience:
VO: Pass me your passport.
ME: Good morning sir with a smile.
VO: Which school?
ME: NWMSU sir.
VO: Whats your GRE?
ME: 290 with 154 in quantitative section.
VO: Why this school?
Me: Told about the course curriculum and my area of interest.
Register for F1 Visa Awareness Session⬅️
VO: What’s your UG%?
ME: Sir its 7.48 on the scale of 10.
VO: Any backlogs?
ME: I have one backlog.
VO: When did you clear it?
ME: I cleared in the very next attempt.
VO: Immediately he said i cant approve your visa and handed me a 214 b blue slip with first box ticked
ME: Thank you sir.
Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.