Profile Details:
University: Northeastern University
Course: MS in Information System
First Attempt
Chennai Consulate
Date: July 2017
Status: Rejected
Counter No: 19
Visa Interview Experience:
Me: Hello officer, good morning.
VO: Good morning, how are you?
Me: I am good, how are you?
VO: Good, please pass me your passport, I20 and sevis
Me: Passed the documents.
VO: How many universities did you apply to?
Me: 2 universities, named them.
VO: What is your GRE score?
Me: 295.
VO: Ok, how are you funding your education.?
Me: I have taken an education loan of 69,000$ and my father is going to sponsor my education, he has (VO interrupted me)
VO: What does your father do?
Me: I got a bit nervous and left out 'retired', but confidently answered - he is a xxx in this department.
VO: What's your father's annual income?
Me: 8 lakhs per annum.
VO: Sorry, at this time you are ineligible to apply for a US visa. Please apply again under different circumstances(I was in shock to listen to what he actually said at the end) and handed me the blue slip with 214(b) first check box checked.
Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.