Profile Details:
- University: Northeastern University (NEU)
- Course: MS in Data Analytics Engineering
- Mumbai Consulate
- Date: 8th June 2016
- Status: Approved
VISA Interview Experience
VO: Hi
Me: Good afternoon
VO: So have you travelled to any other countries?
Me: Yeah I've been to Thailand in summer 2015 to work as a research intern under a professor.
VO: What's your GRE score?
Me: 317
VO: Why do you want to go to NEU?
Me: The course structure it offers is actually the right set of course that "I" wanted to learn.
VO: What other universities you have?
Me: UB and MTU
VO: What would be your second choice?
Me: UB
VO: Why did you choose this over that?
Me: This university is concentrating more on math part of data analysis engineering by offering courses like engineering probability and statistics and statistical methods.
VO: What the courses you're going to register in 1st semester?
Me: Engineering Statistics and probability, database design and database management.
VO: Are those difficult?
Me: Since I'm from mechanical background, I think I'm comfortable with math related courses relatively. But I'll have to work real hard on the others subjects.
VO: Who's going to sponsor you?
Me: Parents savings amount and I have a loan.
VO: How much is your loan amount?
Me: Secured xx from SBI
VO: Parents occupation?
Me: Told
VO: Are you from Goa?
Me: No, I worked in Goa for the past 12 months in Vedanta Limited as mechanical maintenance engineer.
VO: What does Vedanta Limited do?
Me: You give them iron ore, they'll bring pig iron out of it. (I was trying to be sarcastic there)
VO: Ok. your visa is approved. Have a pleasant stay in US.
Me: Thanks.
Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.