Natarajan K

Natarajan K

3 days ago

My Profile for MS DS Fall 2025, help deciding which universities to apply

Undergrad@NIT-T in metallurgical and materials engineering with a 7.98 GPA. Internships (4) at PennState ( authorship attribution), UTD ( mixture of experts), IIT-R ( summary generation), and NIT-T ( diabetes prediction). 2 papers accepted in IEEE and Springer are yet to be published. Some projects are similar to intern work. Head of ML in local DS club. Probably LoR from 2 US profs and 1 Indian prof, all from internships. I thought of shortlisting these universities until now; I would like to consider removing or adding any universities based on your opinion. List: UCSD, Uwash, UMCP ( DS, ML), TAMU, SBU, Rutgers, NCSU ( foundations of DS), IUB, NEU ( DS, AI), UBS, UC Boulder, SJSU.


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