Parthipan raj

Parthipan Raj

Fall 2021

8 years ago

Hi frnds, Can someone review my profile nd tell me the chances of getting an admit 10th- 92% 12th- 8

Hi frnds, Can someone review my profile nd tell me the chances of getting an admit 10th- 92% 12th- 86% Undergrad score- 73% GRE-290 IELTS - 6.5 *Currently working in Quality assurance dept.for past 6months. (Clutch manufacturing company) *Got an international and national level paper published in journal *Done 3 internships n core companies *Designed and fabricated 2Go karts nd participated n both national nd international level competitions. Seeking admission for M.eng in the below listed univ. 1) University of Texas at Arlington 2) University of Houston 3) Rutgers Brunswick univ. 4) Clemson univ 5) Wayne state univ


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