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Priteesh Madhav Reddy
spring 2023
#bachelors #studyabroad#USA
Comments (7)
Does ranking really matter?
A lot of us are in the middle of making decisions right now. We want to select a good university that can take us to the
Spring 2023 MS CS in US
Hi guys I want to apply for MS in CS USPlease suggest clgs/unis that fit my profileBtech in ECE CGPA:6.98 GRE: 30
Kindly suggest me good universities based on my profile
IELTS: 8 (8.5 L, 8 R, 7.5 W, 7 S) Grade: 7.8 CGPA (BSC CS, 2021 grad)Internship: 1 (3 months, not relevant to course)
What is the range of the temperatures listed: 43°, 47°, 43°, 52°, 42°, 78°, 84°, 80° ... (GMAT Quants)
What is the range of the temperatures listed: 43°, 47°, 43°, 52°, 42°, 78°, 84°, 80°? A)43 B)41 C)52