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September Intake Colleges in Canada: Colleges Available for September Intake in Canada 2024-2025

Rohan Deshmukh

One of the primary intakes in Canada among Fall, Winter and Summer is the Fall or September intake in Canada. Reason being, September intake colleges in Canada offer international students with the most courses to choose from, and a higher level of job opportunities. Every year potential study abroad aspirants are in dire search of their September intake colleges in Canada.

If you are also someone looking for colleges available for September intake in Canada, this blog might be a perfect read for you!

Table of Contents

What is September Intake in Canada?

The Fall or September intake in Canada starts from the month of September and students are called to apply for, in the months of August to October in the previous year.

The September intake in Canada is a highly preferred intake because of numerous courses available for September intake in Canada, along with a humongous amount of job and career opportunities. Additionally, students get a lot of time on their hands to settle in, and adjust to the academic environment in Canada. Also, the Spring season in Canada is much easier to adapt to, as compared to winters in Canada!

Complete Guide to Canada Intakes and Deadlines 2023-2024

List of Colleges for September Intake in Canada

There are a lot of colleges open for September intake in Canada. International students should note that the deadlines for applying to colleges in Canada for September intake usually varies from college to college.

Given below is the list of top colleges open in Canada for September intake:

  1. Centennial College
  2. Conestoga College
  3. Douglas College
  4. Fanshawe College
  5. George Brown College

Let us move onto know about each of these colleges in detail below:

Centennial College

One of the top September intake open colleges in Canada, Centennial College is known for having on board international students from multiple countries. The college particularly offers certificate and diploma programs, and has a great employability rate upon graduation!

Some top programs offered by Centennial College for the September intake include:

  • Ontario Graduate College Certificate in Global Business Management
  • Graduate Certificate in Strategic Management
  • Diploma in Financial Services
  • Bachelor of Public Relations Management
  • Diploma in Biotechnology

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Conestoga College

A leader in polytechnic education, Conestoga offers applied research programs, along with training programs. The college has been consistently ranked among the best colleges in Canada for international opportunities. In total, Conestoga offers over 230 programs for international students.

Some top programs offered by Conestoga College for the September intake include:

  • Diploma in Architecture- Construction Engineering
  • Bachelor of Community and Criminal Justice
  • Bachelor of Design
  • Bachelor of Environmental Public Health
  • Graduate Diploma in Social Media Marketing

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Douglas College

Known for housing over 10,000 international students, Douglas College offers exemplary education through its diploma and certificate programs. The college also offers degree programs in numerous disciplines. Douglas College also offers around 100,000 USD scholarships each year to international students.

Some top programs offered by Douglas College for the September intake include:

  • Diploma in Accounting
  • Certificate in General Business
  • Post-Degree Diploma in Financial Analysis
  • Certificate in Marketing
  • Bachelor of Performing Arts

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Fanshawe College

Known for offering diploma, certificate and degree programs, Fanshawe College is highly popular among students from across the globe. The college offers more than 200 programs and pathway programs, and attracts students because of its small class sizes, and excellent education.

Some top programs offered by Fanshawe College for the September intake include:

  • Graduate Certificate in Digital Communications Management
  • Diploma in Applied Mathematics
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Digital Marketing
  • Food and Beverage Management Co-Op
  • Bachelor of Interior Design

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George Brown College

Located in the very happening downtown Toronto area, the college is known for offering over 160 certificate, degree, and full time diploma programs. The college particularly offers career focused programs known for providing international students with enriching experiences, and great career opportunities.

Some top programs offered by George Brown College for the September intake include:

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Applied AI Solutions Development
  • Certificate in Digital Design
  • Certificate in Civil Engineering Technology
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Services

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Some other September intake open colleges in Canada include:
Lakeland College, University of Winnipeg, University of Northern British Columbia, Northern College, Mohawk College, Sheridan College, Matrix College, Loyalist College, etc.

While applying for September intake colleges in Canada, tailor your application and SOPs wisely and highlight your strengths that make you a better applicant than others. Contact your academic and professional references in advance for recommendations and write your SOPs during the time you have after submitting your applications. For even more information on courses open for September intake in Canada, you can also get in touch with our Yocket Counsellors!


Frequently Asked Questions about September Intake Colleges in Canada

What are some popular colleges for September intake in Canada?

Is the September intake the same as the Fall intake in Canada?

What is the Fall intake in Canada?

Why is the September intake in Canada preferred by international students?

What are some other colleges in Canada that offer September intake?

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