
Best Scholarships for MS in the USA for Indian Students

Sumeet Jain

Dreaming of studying MS in the USA but worried about the cost? Don’t worry! Scholarships are here to save the day.

There are tons of scholarships out there for talented students like you, and figuring out which one fits you best can be overwhelming. But fear not! Our team at Yocket is here to guide you every step of the way.

With Yocket Premium, you get personalized support throughout your study abroad journey, including finding the perfect scholarship for your profile. We’ve got decades of experience helping students like you achieve their dreams, and we’re ready to do the same for you! Are you ready to find the perfect scholarship? Sign up to become a Premium Yocketer today!

In the meantime, let’s explore some of the best scholarships available for Indian students pursuing MS in the US. Stay tuned!

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Overview of Scholarships for MS in the USA

So, we all know that the USA has some of the best universities in the world, right? Like, half of them are super top-rated! But with all that greatness comes a price tag, and studying in the USA ain’t cheap. That’s because universities need to spend a ton of money on hiring the best professors, maintaining top-notch facilities, and giving students real-world experience.

All this comes at a cost, though. The USA is the 3rd most expensive country to study in, with tuition fees and living expenses averaging around $24,000 and $11,000 per year, respectively. That’s where scholarships come in! They're like a magic wand that can help you afford your dream education without drowning in debt.

Here’s why scholarships are so amazing:

  • No debt: You don’t have to pay back full scholarships, unlike those loans with killer interest rates. Say goodbye to financial stress!
  • Equal opportunity: Scholarships help academically talented students from all backgrounds get a top-notch education, regardless of their financial situation.
  • Motivation boost: No money worries mean you can focus on your studies and crush them, landing you amazing job opportunities after graduation.
  • Peace of mind: Scholarships are a huge relief, both financially and mentally, allowing you to focus on enjoying your MS studies in the USA.

Also Read: Cost of Living in the USA

Now, which scholarships are the most popular with Indian students studying MS in the USA? Check out our video to find out! 

MS in the USA: How to Fund Your Study Abroad Dream | Top 10 Scholarships for International Students

(And don’t forget, we have more helpful study tips and tricks on our YouTube channel.)

We’ve got you covered with the 5 most popular scholarships for studying MS in the USA. Take a look and see which one might be your perfect match!

Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship

The Aga Khan Foundation offers scholarships for outstanding students from developing countries, like India, who want to pursue their MS in the US. But there’s a catch: these scholarships are super competitive, so you’ll need amazing academic performance to stand out.

These scholarships are a mix of grants and loans, with half the amount gifted and the other half needing to be paid back. The good news is, you have five years after finishing your course to do so. Plus, they only ask for a small service charge of 5%, and you’ll need a guarantor to secure the loan.

What’s covered?

The scholarship takes care of your tuition fees and living expenses, but the exact amount depends on your specific situation and academic achievements.

Who’s eligible?

  • You must be a resident of India.
  • Your country needs to have an Aga Khan Education Services (AKES), Aga Khan Education Board (AKEB), or Local Aga Khan Foundation (LAKF) office.
  • Students over 30 get a higher chance of selection.

When’s the deadline?

Get your applications in around March.

Generation Google Scholarship

Google’s got your back with a sweet scholarship for those aiming to crush it in the tech world. This scholarship is open to students studying in both the USA and Canada who have stellar academic records.

The prize: You could receive a whopping $10,000 to fund your studies!

Who’s eligible?

  • You’ve got your high school diploma or equivalent.
  • You’re enrolled in a full-time Bachelor’s, MS, MBA, or PhD program in the USA or Canada.
  • You’re passionate about computer science, computer engineering, or similar fields.
  • You’re a champion for diversity and inclusion in the tech world.

American Association of University Women’s (AAUW) International Fellowship

This scholarship is all about empowering women to rock the education world! It’s open to women only, and more than 3,600 women from all over the globe have already benefited from it. Plus, you might even get your scholarship renewed for a second year!

What do you get?

You will receive $18,000 to help you pay for tuition, living costs, or even childcare.

What do you need? 

  • You have to be a woman who’s not from the USA and have a degree that’s equal to a US bachelor’s. 
  • You also need to be comfortable speaking English (either through TOEFL or by showing your transcripts from an English-speaking university). 
  • You have to be planning to study for a full year at an accredited US university.

When’s the deadline? 

It’s around November!

Global Study Awards

The British Council is offering a $12,262 scholarship to help you take your studies abroad! This scholarship is open to students from any country, whether you’re aiming for an undergraduate, postgraduate, or even a PhD program.

Here’s the catch: you have to be at least 18 years old, planning to enroll in a program abroad, and have aced the IELTS test. Oh, and don’t forget to receive an acceptance letter from a university in the USA!

If you check all those boxes, then head over to the British Council website and apply!

Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation Scholarship

Started in 2002, this program gives deserving students like you a chance to pursue postgraduate studies. But here’s the catch: It’s a loan, not free money. So, you’ll eventually need to pay it back according to the organization’s terms.

Here’s the good news: the maximum amount you can get is $25,496! That’s enough to cover a lot of expenses, right?

Now, to qualify, you need to be an Indian citizen under 30 years old and have graduated from an accredited college in India. Even if you haven’t yet been accepted to your dream US university, you can still apply!

Still not finding the right fit? Don’t even think about it! Yocket Premium has your back. Our counselors will hook you up with information on scholarships you can apply for and even help you navigate the whole study abroad application process like a pro.

Don’t let finances hold you back from achieving your dream of studying abroad. Become a Premium Yocketer, and let’s make it happen!

Scholarships Offered by Universities in the USA to Pursue MS

We’ve covered the main MS scholarships for Indian students in the USA, but don’t forget! Many universities offer scholarships for both Indian and international students.

One question we hear a lot is, “Can I apply for multiple scholarships?” Absolutely! The more you apply for, the higher your chances of getting one.

Here’s a quick overview of some university-specific scholarships in the USA, their amounts, and eligibility requirements:





Cornell University

TATA Scholarship

Open to Indian students pursuing an MS in engineering or management

100% of the tuition fee

Illinois State University

Merit-based scholarships

Open to international students with strong academic records

Up to $5,000 per semester

Oregon State University

International Graduate Research Assistantships

Open to international students pursuing research-based MS programs

Up to $3,000 per year

University of Rochester

Simon Graduate School of Business Fellowships

Open to international students with strong academic records and demonstrated leadership potential

Up to full tuition and a living stipend

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley International Graduate Fellowship

Open to international students pursuing MS programs in various fields

Up to full tuition and a living stipend

University of Michigan

International Graduate Fellowship

Open to international students with exceptional academic records and research potential

Up to full tuition and a living stipend

University of Southern California

Graduate Merit Fellowships

Open to international students with strong academic records and demonstrated leadership potential

Up to full tuition and a living stipend

University of Texas at Austin

Graduate School of Business Merit Scholarships

Open to international students with strong academic records and GMAT/GRE scores

Up to full tuition and a living stipend

University of Washington

Distinguished Graduate Fellowships

Open to international students with exceptional academic records and research potential

Up to full tuition and a living stipend

Stanford University

Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program

Open to international students with exceptional academic records, leadership potential, and a commitment to creating positive change

Full tuition, a living stipend, and travel allowances

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, and many other universities offer scholarships to international students pursuing MS programs in the USA. It is important to research the specific programs and scholarship opportunities offered by each university you are interested in.

How Do I Apply for Scholarships for MS in the USA?

  • Research: Identify scholarships aligned with your academic profile, field of study, and financial needs. Explore scholarship databases like Fastweb,, and university websites.
  • Start Early: Scholarship deadlines can be months ahead of program applications. Plan your timeline and gather the required documents well in advance.
  • Check Eligibility: Carefully review scholarship criteria, including GPA requirements, specific fields of study, and nationality restrictions.
  • Prepare Strong Applications: Craft compelling essays highlighting your academic achievements, research experience, and goals. Tailor essays to each scholarship’s specific requirements.
  • Gather Recommendation Letters: Request letters from professors familiar with your academic work and potential. Choose individuals who can provide strong endorsements.
  • Transcripts and Test Scores: Ensure official transcripts and standardized test scores (GRE, GMAT, etc.) are sent to scholarship committees and universities as required.
  • Submit Applications: Follow each scholarship’s specific submission instructions, including online portals or mail-in applications. Double-check deadlines and the completeness of materials.

Also Read: Scholarships for International Students

From the Desk of Yocket

Studying in the USA can be pricey, but that doesn’t have to stop you from achieving your goals. At Yocket, we believe that hard work should be rewarded. There are tons of ways to make your dream of studying abroad more affordable for you and your family.

Some scholarships are super competitive, but there’s definitely one out there with your name on it! You just have to find it.

But applying for scholarships can be overwhelming, especially when you’re also juggling things like choosing a university or course, and navigating the application process. No worries! Yocket Premium is here to help.

With Yocket Premium, you get a dedicated counselor who will guide you through every step of your study abroad journey, crafting a personalized plan JUST FOR YOU.

So become a Yocket Premium member today and give your dream the best chance it deserves!

Frequently Asked Questions on Scholarship for MS in USA for Indian Students

Can I get a fully funded scholarship to study MS in the USA?

When should I start applying for scholarships?

Are there any scholarships available for specific fields of study?

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