MBA: The Why, The Whats & The Hows

Cheapest Countries for MBA Abroad: Study MBA Abroad At Low Cost

Rohan Deshmukh

MBA is pursued by over a quarter of a million students worldwide. This indicates that MBA has high demand among students. Expectedly, the fees for MBA abroad can cost anywhere between $55,727 to $161,810. This makes it tougher for students to afford the program. Being one of the popular choices of programs finding an MBA in abroad for Indian students at low cost can be challenging.

While finding the cheap and the best option can be tricky. We are here to help you with a list of the cheapest country to study MBA for Indian students. So, let’s discuss the 10 cheap and best options you have to pursue your MBA abroad at low cost. 

Table Of Contents

  1. Why Study MBA abroad?
  2. Cheapest Countries To Do MBA: Which is the Best Country to Study MBA in Low Cost?

Why Study MBA abroad?

Pursuing an MBA in abroad with low fees can be challenging yet beneficial. From the best curriculum to the return on investment, an MBA abroad at low cost can help you with a promising career without adding the stress of a brawny loan. If that’s not enough to make you think of MBA abroad…Here are a few best reasons why you should study MBA abroad: 

  • Networking: An MBA abroad will expose you to various opportunities to network with students from diverse backgrounds. It also gives you the opportunity to connect with professionals with extensive experience in the field.
  • Impressive job package: The average salary offered to an MBA graduate from a recognised B-school abroad is significantly higher than that of an MBA graduate of an Indian B-school. Thus, an MBA in abroad for Indian students at low cost is worth it. 
  • A Practical Approach: Pursuing an MBA abroad requires you to learn many new-age business tactics. This allows you to gain an edge on dynamic business management techniques. Thus, making the cheapest countries for MBA highly desirable. 
  • Holistic Development: The exposure of an MBA abroad provides you with detailed insights and a deep understanding of the business world. This is why studying cheapest MBA abroad will help you gain exposure at an affordable price.  

Now that you have multiple convincing reasons to pursue an MBA abroad, let’s look at the cheapest country to study MBA for Indian students. 

This video talks about the 6 most affordable, budget-friendly countries to study MBA abroad!

Cheapest Countries to Do MBA: Which is the Best Country to Study MBA in Low Cost?

Cheapest MBA abroad can be pursued by enrolling in universities that offer MBA abroad at low cost. In addition to that, make sure that the country you are choosing to study in also has an affordable cost of living. For example, an MBA from Canada would be cheaper than an MBA from Germany because of the comparatively low cost of living.  

Assessing on the same lines, the cheapest country to study MBA for Indian students is listed below: 

  • Canada
  • China
  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • Singapore
  • France
  • Sweden

To discuss further about MBA in abroad for Indian students at low cost, let’s address each of the cheapest country to study MBA below: 


  • Canada

Canada is one of the top study destinations for international students. It is known for its diversity, great quality of living, and the fact that it is affordable to study attracts international students. Students willing to pursue an MBA at a low cost have another reason to go here as Canada is the cheapest country for MBA.

Tuition Fee

CAD 30,435 - CAD 31,856/year

Top Universities

  • Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • McGill University
  • The University of British Columbia
  • University of Alberta, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Simon Fraser University

Cost of Living

CAD 1,000 per month

Canada is a booming global educational destination. With a higher permanent residential rate, it is one of the most sought-after countries in the world. Thus, making it the best country to study MBA in low cost. 

Suggested Read: Cheapest MBA Colleges In Canada For International Students 


  • China

China (mainland) is another captivating study destination with over 492,185 international students from over 196 countries studying there. Home to over 40 globally ranked universities, this is one of the uncommon yet options for the cheapest MBA abroad for Indian students. 

Tuition Fee

RMB 188,000 to RMB 438,000/year

Top Universities

  • Peking University
  • Tsinghua University
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
  • Renmin University
  • Shanghai University of Finance

Cost of Living

RMB 3816 per month

Over 90% of MBA graduates are employed after three months at most Chinese Business schools, with some of them even achieving 100% post-graduate employment rates. 


  • Switzerland

Switzerland is one of the cheapest countries to study MBA. Popular for its scenic views, Switzerland is another great option to study MBA abroad for a low cost. The affordable fees make it one of the desired countries among international students. It also houses some of the top-ranking Business Schools in the world. 

Tuition Fee

CHF 28,500 -  CHF 70,000/year

Top Universities

  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich University of St.Gallen
  • University of Zurich
  • University of Lausanne
  • EU Business School
  • American University

Cost of Living

CHF 1,850 per month

Top 2 universities in Switzerland rank within the top 60 in the QS World MBA ranking 2022. The country has a strong base in the finance domain. This adds as a great advantage to students for getting hired in the country with headquarters of dream companies.


  • Germany

Germany is one of the largest bases of international students. The world knows it for its affordable cost of education and living. It easily takes the spot as the cheapest country to do an MBA.

Tuition Fee

€ 19,000 to € 45,000/year

Top Universities

  • Humboldt Universität
  • Berlin School of Economics & Law
  • University of Hamburg, Grenoble Ecole de Management
  • Munich Business School
  • HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Cost of Living

€850 per month

When comparing the cost of an MBA program in the UK with that of Germany, an MBA degree in Germany turns out to cost 15% less than in the UK, on average. 

Suggested Read: Your Study Guide To MBA In Germany


  • Norway

Norway offers free tuition for both its citizens and foreigners. The quality of education and the tuition-free public universities make Norway a popular destination for MBA students. Students seeking affordable places for their business studies are happy with Norway. Since it is home to cheap and best MBA colleges abroad.

Tuition Fee

No Tuition Fee 

Top Universities

  • BI Norwegian Business School
  • NHH - Norwegian School of Economics
  • The Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • University of Oslo
  • University of Agder 

Cost of Living

NOK 12,352 per month 

It’s also attractive because of its availability of English taught programs you can study for free. According to the QS World University Rankings 2022, four Norwegian universities have impressed the world.


  • Ireland

Ireland’s UCD’s Michael Smurfit Business School was featured among the top hundred B-schools for full-time MBA by Financial Times and The Economist. Ireland is one of the best countries to study MBA at a low cost for international students. Ireland B-schools are offering cheaper yet equally competent alternative MBA programs.

Tuition Fee

€8,000 - €30,000 /year

Top Universities

  • University College Dublin
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University College Cork
  • University of Limerick
  • Dublin City University
  • Dublin Institute of Technology
  • Irish Management Institute

Cost of Living

€590 - € 1,000

This European nation with an employability rate of 96% has gained massive popularity. Ireland has a booming economy and has welcomed popular employers like Google, Amazon, Bank of Ireland, Deloitte in past years. 

Suggested Read: Study At The Best Irish MBA Business Schools 


  • The Netherlands

The Netherlands provides international students with access to affordable quality education. It is also the cheapest country for doing MBA in Europe, for foreign students. According to QS, the Netherlands is ranking 10th globally in terms of MBA candidate popularity for the past three years.

Tuition Fee

€12,000  -  €54,000/year

Top Universities

  • University of Amsterdam
  • Maastricht University
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Nyenrode Business University
  • Hanze University of Applied Sciences
  • Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

Cost of Living

€800 – €1,100 per month

Approximately 49% of students pursuing an MBA in this country are able to get employed within the school. Post completion of the coursework, 25% of the remaining students get hired. These statistics together indicate that the Netherlands is another best country to pursue the cheapest MBA abroad.


  • Singapore

Singapore has gained popularity as a place for international education. Their Business schools have minimal admission requirements and an affordable MBA degree. It also is home to five of the best universities in Asia as per the rankings of the Times Higher Education World University 

Tuition Fee

SD 28,000 - SD 72,000/year

Top Universities

  • Nanyang Technological University
  • National University of Singapore
  • Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Singapore Management University 
  • James Cook University

Cost of Living

SD 1,400

MBA graduates from Singaporean universities receive some of the highest salaries in the country when compared to national averages. With Singapore's GDP per capita being one of the highest globally, the salary offered to MBA graduates is generally in five or six figures.


  • France

What makes France one of the best study destinations in the world for foreign students is the fact that enrollment into a public university qualifies you for a two-thirds fees waiver by the state. This would make your MBA study even cheaper.

Tuition Fee

€14,930 - €89,000/year

Top Universities

  • HEC Paris 
  • INSEAD - Europe Campus
  • EMLYON Business School
  • ESSEC Business School
  • EDHEC Business School
  • SKEMA Business School

Cost of Living

€600 to €800 per month

France has some of the cheapest MBA colleges abroad for international students. French B-schools have a lot to offer in their MBA curriculum in terms of both theoretical and practical knowledge. 


  • Sweden

MBA from Sweden universities has gained generous popularity due to the affordability of European-style education with them. Swedish universities  and their MBA prepares you for the dynamic Business environment and opens the door to lucrative opportunities.

Tuition Fee

SEK 330,000/year

Top Universities

  • SSE Stockholm School of Economics
  • Stockholms Universitet
  • University of Gothenburg
  • LUSEM - Lund University School of Economics and Management
  • Blekinge Tekniska Högskola 
  • Blekinge Institute of Technology

Cost of Living

SEK 12,000 per month

Recently, three Swedish universities made it to the top 100 best universities as ranked by the Academic Ranking of World Universities. Moreover, Sweden has welcomed and aims to welcome top multinational companies such as Ericsson, IKEA, Volvo, H&M, Tetra Pak, and so on.  

Pursuing an MBA abroad involves a lot many challenges. However, we believe we reduced the challenge of finding the best Business schools according to the affordability for you. If you are hesitant about pursuing an MBA abroad but are holding yourself back because of the high charges, talk to a Yocket counsellor to help you ease your journey! 


Frequently Asked Questions About MBA Abroad at Low Cost

In which country MBA is cheap?

Which is better: MBA from India or abroad?

Can an Indian work abroad after MBA abroad?

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