Coalition Application: History, Essay Prompts, Sign-Up, Tips, and More
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Coalition Application: History, Essay Prompts, Sign-Up, Tips, and More

The college application scenario is constantly evolving, and with it, student opportunities. While the Common App reigns supreme, a challenger has emerged: the Coalition Application. This platform promises a more holistic approach, allowing you to show your potential beyond grades and test scores.

But is the Coalition App right for you? This comprehensive blog will share with you everything you need to know. From building a profile that reflects your individuality to utilizing the innovative portfolio feature, we’ll show you how to leverage the Coalition App to its full potential. We’ll also share the platform’s unique features, explore its benefits, and go through the application process step-by-step.

What is the Coalition Application?

The Coalition Application is a platform designed to streamline the college application process, particularly for first-generation, under-resourced, and low-income students. Similar to the Common App, it allows you to submit one core application to over 150 member institutions that prioritize diversity and inclusion. These institutions tend to focus on providing a holistic application experience.

The platform offers a variety of tools to assist students, especially those who may have limited access to college prep materials and guidance. A key feature is the Locker, which allows students to store essays, projects, and other materials for review by counselors and admissions officers. The application itself collects basic information, transcripts, test scores (if required), and essays. Some colleges may also require additional essays or short answers to questions through the Coalition App.

What is the History of the Coalition Application?

In September 2015, speculation about elite colleges seeking an alternative to the Common Application came to fruition. Over 80 institutions, including all Ivy League schools and Stanford, announced the formation of the Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success (CAAS).

This nonprofit aimed to “increase college access and revamp the way that students apply to college.” The Coalition Application debuted for the 2016–2017 admissions cycle and has been refined over time. While the number of member colleges has grown, most CAAS institutions also accept the Common App, providing students with application flexibility.

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Which Colleges Use the Coalition Application?

The Coalition Application offers an alternative to the widely used Common App but with a more selective membership. While the Common Application boasts over 1000 member colleges, the Coalition App has a much smaller and more focused group of slightly over 150 institutions. To be considered for membership, colleges must demonstrate a commitment to affordability by offering accessible tuition, prioritizing financial aid based on need, and achieving a strong graduation rate—with at least 70% of students completing their degrees within six years.

The Coalition App’s membership has evolved over time. In 2019, some colleges, like Dartmouth College and the University of Virginia, opted to leave the Coalition App for the upcoming application cycle. These institutions haven’t rejoined since. However, the Coalition App has also seen growth, welcoming new members like Barnard College and Lehigh University in 2019. More recently, DePauw University, Occidental College, Ohio Wesleyan University, Quinnipiac University, and Wheaton College have joined the Coalition App community.

For a comprehensive list of current Coalition member colleges, please refer to the official website.

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Coalition Application Essay Prompts for 2023–24 and 2024–25

The Coalition Application, similar to the Common Application, includes both a main essay and additional, school-specific writing prompts that institutions can choose to add. The Coalition application offers six essay prompts, and students choose one to answer for their main essay.

  1. Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.
  1. What interests or excites you? How does it shape who you are now or who you might become in the future?
  1. Describe a time when you had a positive impact on others. What were the challenges? What were the rewards?
  1. Has there been a time when an idea or belief of yours was questioned? How did you respond? What did you learn?
  1. What success have you achieved or obstacles have you faced? What advice would you give a sibling or friend going through a similar experience?
  1. Submit an essay on a topic of your choice.

Read Also: 7 Common App Essay Prompts for 2023-2024 Application Cycle

Choosing Between the Common App and the Coalition App

Students applying to colleges might be confused about which platform to use: the Common Application or the Coalition Application. They might wonder if colleges favor one over the other or if a specific format helps them stand out.

The good news is that colleges don’t have a preference. Similar to how both the SAT and ACT exam are accepted as standardized tests, the choice between the Common App and the Coalition App doesn’t give you an advantage.

Instead of guessing what admissions officers prefer, focus on the schools themselves. Check the application requirements for each college on your shortlist. Here are the two key differences: 

  • The Common App has over 1000 member schools, while the Coalition App has roughly 150. There’s a higher chance your target schools might not accept the Coalition App.
  • Using the Common Application allows you to manage applications for most schools on one platform, potentially saving time and effort.

Therefore, if efficiency matters and you’re applying to many schools, prioritizing the Common App lets you manage everything through one portal.

Regardless of your platform choice, start your applications early! This helps avoid last-minute stress. Ideally, begin during the summer before your senior year, allowing ample time to feel confident and prepared.

Read Also: Coalition vs. Common App

How to Sign Up for the Coalition Application?

Creating a Coalition Application account is a quick and easy process that gets you prepared for college applications. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Head to the Coalition Application website.

Step 2: Create your account using your email address as your username and choose a strong password.

Step 3: Fill out some basic information. This might include your name, birthday, gender (optional), and high school status.

Step 4: Select a few schools you’re interested in. This won’t lock you into applying, but it gives you a preview of what different college applications might look like on the Coalition App.

Now you’re ready to use the Coalition App!

What is the locker feature on the Coalition App?
You can create an account as early as 9th grade to store important documents, transcripts, test scores, and brag sheets (achievements and awards) in your secure “Locker” section. This can save you time when you start filling out actual college applications later.
While you can’t submit applications to colleges until the fall of your senior year, having your Coalition account set up beforehand allows for a smoother application process when the time comes.

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4 Tips to Use the Coalition App Efficiently

The Coalition Application can streamline your college application process, but it’s important to use it strategically. Here are four key tips to maximize its benefits:

1. Check school compatibility

The Coalition App isn’t universally accepted. With only about 150 colleges on board, there’s a chance some of your target schools might not use it. In that case, you’ll need to use another platform, like the Common App, or apply directly to those schools.

To avoid missing deadlines, create a master list of your colleges. Include how you’ll be applying to each (Coalition App, Common App, etc.) and their application deadlines. Reference this list frequently throughout the process.

2. Leverage your locker

The Coalition App’s unique Locker feature is a game-changer. Start using it as early as 9th grade to store important documents like transcripts, test scores, awards, and activity descriptions. This keeps everything centralized and accessible, even if you don’t use the Coalition App to apply. Your Locker can be a valuable resource for future endeavors like building resumes or applying for scholarships.

3. Choose the right essay prompt

The Coalition Application offers six essay prompts, but you only need to answer one. Each prompt highlights different aspects of you, so choose wisely! Select the one that best shows your strengths, interests, and character and demonstrates how you’d be an asset to the college. Aim for a word count between 500 and 550 words.

4. Don’t forget supplements

The Coalition App’s Profile section stores most of your application information. However, many colleges require additional essays or supplements. These are often personal statements that require thoughtful elaboration, so don’t leave them for the last minute.

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From the Desk of Yocket

The Coalition Application offers a compelling alternative to the traditional Common App for college admissions. The Coalition App’s strengths lie in its focus on accessibility and inclusivity. It allows students to start building their application profile as early as ninth grade, giving them time to explore colleges and gather materials.

Additionally, the platform offers resources and tools to help understand the college application process. It makes the process less stressful for first-generation college applicants or those from underrepresented backgrounds. The Coalition App also emphasizes showing a student’s full potential beyond grades and test scores. Features like the “Locker” allow for storing creative portfolios or project descriptions, giving a more well-rounded picture to admissions committees.

However, the Coalition App also has limitations to consider. While the number of colleges accepting it is growing, it’s still not as widely used as the Common App. This means you might still need to use both platforms, depending on your target schools. Additionally, some features, like counselor collaboration tools, require a paid subscription, which could be a barrier for some students.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Coalition Application?

The Coalition Application is a college application platform that allows students to apply to many colleges with one application. It streamlines the process by letting you enter basic information once and send it to multiple schools.

Is it free to use the Coalition Application?

Yes, the Coalition Application itself is free. However, some colleges may have application fees.

When can I start using the Coalition Application?

You can start creating your Coalition Application profile at any time, even as early as freshman year. However, application deadlines vary by college and application program (early decision, regular decision, etc.).

How many essays do I need to write for the Coalition Application?

The Coalition Application itself has several essay prompts, but you’ll typically choose one to write. Many colleges will also have their own essay prompts within the Coalition App that you may need to complete.

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  • March 21, 2024

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