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University Type

Average Living Expenses


Average Living Expenses

Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal is an engineering faculty which was established in the year 1873. It is affiliated with Universite de Montreal, Canada and is commonly referred to as, Montreal Polytechnic. The school stands at the 1st spot in Canada for its engineering research. It offers postgraduate and graduate training in French and is highly reputed for its research. The school is also famous for its ritual of Calling of an Engineer in which a student graduating in Bachelors of Engineering is presented with an iron ring.
Apart from this, the school is also famous for the massacre which took place on 6th of December in 1989. Marc Lepine, a 25-year old Canadian entered into the campus of Ecole Polytechnique and shot 14 women, wounding 4 men and another 10 women before shooting himself. The incident is the most fatal shooting incident in the history of Canada and is now commemorated as the ‘’Day of Action on Violence against Women’’.


Cost of Studying at Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal

Average tuition fee


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5000+ Students

Availed education loan

3000+ Cr

Loan amount sanctioned

100% Free

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Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Average on-campus living expenses


Admissions at The Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal

Application Fee

CA$25 - CA$98

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Students Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal


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Premium Yocketer profiles

Manish Yadav

Manish Yadav


Computer Engineering

Fall 2023

Madan Pandey

Madan Pandey


Civil Engineering

Fall 2024

Jaykumar Patel

Jaykumar Patel


Civil Engineering

Fall 2024

Aaditya Ramesh

Aaditya Ramesh


Mechanical Engineering

Fall 2023

International Students

% of international students in the university


Total International Students in the university


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Reviews for Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal

Campus life

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