AP Exam Schedule 2024
By aadmin

AP Exam Schedule 2024

Are you a high school student preparing for Advanced Placement (AP) exams this year? Feeling overwhelmed by all the deadlines and unsure when each exam is happening? This blog is here to help you with your test anxiety by providing a clear and concise breakdown of the 2024 AP exam dates. With this information, you can create a study schedule, avoid scheduling conflicts, and approach exam day with confidence.

When Are the 2024 AP Exams?

The 2024 AP exams will be held in schools over two weeks in May. The first window for exams runs from May 6th to May 10th, 2024. During this week, you can expect to see exams offered in subjects like Chemistry, United States Government and Politics, and English Literature and Composition.

The second week of testing takes place from May 13th to May 17th, 2024. This is when exams in subjects like Calculus AB/BC, European History, and Spanish Literature and Culture are typically scheduled. This testing period offers some flexibility for students taking multiple exams, but it’s important to plan and know the specific dates.


  1. These are general windows. The exact date and time of your exam will depend on the specific subject you’re registered for.
  2. For the 2024 AP exam administration, only schools that are participating in the pilot program for the new AP African American Studies Exam can order and administer the exam.

Week 1 Schedule for AP Exams 2024

The following table, sourced from the College Board, lists the Week 1 Schedule for AP exams in May 2024.

Day and Date8 a.m. Local Time12 p.m. Local Time
Monday,May 6, 2024United States Government and PoliticsArt HistoryChemistry
Tuesday,May 7, 2024Human GeographyMicroeconomicsSeminarStatistics
Wednesday,May 8, 2024English Literature and CompositionComparative Government and PoliticsComputer Science A
Thursday,May 9, 2024Chinese Language and CultureEnvironmental SciencePsychology
Friday,May 10, 2024European HistoryUnited States HistoryMacroeconomicsSpanish Literature and Culture

Week 2 Schedule for AP Exams 2024

The following table is the Week 2 Schedule for AP exams in May 2024, as published by the College Board on their website.

Date and Day8 a.m. Local Time12 p.m. Local Time2 p.m. Local Time
Monday,May 13, 2024Calculus ABCalculus BCItalian Language and CulturePrecalculus
Tuesday,May 14, 2024English Language and CompositionAfrican American StudiesPhysics C: MechanicsPhysics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Wednesday,May 15, 2024French Language and CultureWorld History: ModernComputer Science PrinciplesMusic Theory
Thursday,May 16, 2024Spanish Language and CultureBiologyJapanese Language and Culture
Friday,May 17, 2024German Language and CulturePhysics 1: Algebra-BasedLatinPhysics 2: Algebra-Based

Late Test Dates for AP Exams 2024

This table lists the specific dates and times for late testing of AP exams in 2024. All exams are offered at their designated times in local time.

Day and Date8 a.m. Local Time12 p.m. Local Time
May 22, 2024ChemistryComputer Science APhysics C: Electricity and MagnetismPsychologyStatisticsUnited States HistoryEnglish Literature and CompositionEnvironmental ScienceJapanese Language and CultureLatinMacroeconomicsPhysics C: Mechanics
May 23, 2024Chinese Language and CultureComputer Science Principles English Language and CompositionHuman GeographyPrecalculusSpanish Literature and CultureArt HistoryBiologyEuropean HistoryFrench Language and Culture Physics 1: Algebra-BasedSeminar
May 24, 2024Calculus ABCalculus BCGerman Language and CultureMacroeconomicsMusic TheorySpanish Language and CultureAfrican American StudiesComparative Government and PoliticsItalian Language and CulturePhysics 2: Algebra-BasedUnited States Government and PoliticsWorld History: Modern

What is the Timing for the AP Exams in 2024?

Exams have local start times that can vary by up to one hour to accommodate different time zones. During the testing window, exams typically begin between:

  • 8 and 9 a.m. local time for morning exams.
  • 12 and 1 p.m. local time for afternoon exams.
  • 2 and 3 p.m. local time for AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism exams.

AP Exams with Digital Portfolios

  • AP Seminar and AP Research: All students must submit their final performance tasks and have their presentations scored by their teachers by April 30, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
  • AP Computer Science Principles: The deadline to submit your final Create performance task is April 30, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
  • AP Art and Design: All students must submit their final 3 portfolio components in the AP Digital Portfolio by May 10, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. ET.

From the Desk of Yocket

The spread of AP exams over two weeks in May allows for more flexibility in scheduling compared to a single-week testing window. This could be beneficial for students taking multiple exams and aiming to avoid conflicts. However, it also means a longer testing period for some students, potentially leading to increased stress as they wait for their exam dates.

The College Board offers late testing for those who cannot participate during the main window. This is a positive aspect, ensuring that unforeseen circumstances don’t prevent a student from taking the exam. However, late testing can create challenges in terms of preparation and receiving scores on time.

For some students, the two-week window might be manageable; for others, it could lead to scheduling difficulties. It’s important to be aware of the complete schedule, communicate with your AP coordinator about any conflicts, and plan accordingly to make the most of the testing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are the 2024 AP exams?

The 2024 AP exams will be administered in schools over two weeks in May: May 6–10 and May 13–17. Your specific exam date will depend on the subject you are testing in.

Can I test early or late for an AP exam?

Early testing or testing at times other than those published by the College Board is not permitted. Late testing dates are available for students who cannot test during the two main testing weeks in May. You should check with your AP coordinator for more information about late testing.

How long are the AP exams?

The length of AP exams varies depending on the subject, but most exams are 2–3 hours long.

What should I do if I don’t see my specific AP exam listed on the schedule?

If you don’t see your specific AP exam listed on the main testing schedule, it may be offered as a late exam. You may consult with your AP coordinator to see if your exam is part of the late testing window and to inquire about registration procedures.

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  • May 30, 2024

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