Travel, Stay and Culture training

Top Ways To Deal With Cultural Shock When Studying Abroad

Rohan Deshmukh

Moving to a different cultural setting can be exhilarating and alarming simultaneously. Everyone reacts differently to the challenging process of cultural adjustment. Whether one’s transition is a smooth sail or a rocky ride will depend on their level of preparedness. Social customs, value systems, traditions and prevailing beliefs in one country may differ from another. Depending on their unique background and upbringing, different students will experience unique adjustment curves. 

While some may find the process unendurably daunting, others may be able to adjust with relative ease. Leaving the comfortable settings of the home country can be a stressful experience for many. Still, the transition phase can get less intimidating if one is forearmed with the wisdom to address cultural shock effectively. However, to help you sail past it, this blog covers all the essential tips to help you get started.

Table Of Contents:

What Are The Symptoms Of Cultural Shock?

Before you can experience culture shocks, a few triggers can help you identify the same. Understanding these triggers can help you take the necessary precautions accordingly. Thus here are the top symptoms to look out for.

  1. Severe homesickness
  2. A sense of gloom and melancholy
  3. Sleep disorders and physical discomforts
  4. Nagging fear and insecurity
  5. Fatigue and anxiety
  6. Bouts of anger and irritability
  7. Strange headaches, allergies, and pain
  8. Lack of confidence
  9. Regret over your decision to study abroad
  10. Not being able to adjust to the weather, constantly feeling sick
  11. Unhappy with the rules abided by the country, feeling uneasy to follow some
  12. Find the academic study life stressful or unable to focus

Top Tips To Deal With Cultural Shock For International Students

Now that you’re aware of your symptoms, you can always find ways to adjust to this new life. Thus to help you in this better, here are the top tips to follow:

1. Respect the other culture:

Try to acclimate to the new customs, beliefs and culture with an unbiased mindset. Rather than being an unyielding conformist, try to enrich your personality by accepting good things about the new country. One of the most significant aspects of cultural adjustment is identifying and shedding your cultural prejudices and adapting to the new culture.

 2. Be flexible and broad-minded:

Please understand there is nothing right or wrong; the perception varies in different countries. Try to be broad-minded, tolerant, and neutral by embracing the new culture, customs and ideologies without prejudices. Adapting to a new culture nowhere infers that you shift your value system; it only implies that you are prepared to accept and respect the new culture with an open mind.

 3. When in Rome, do as Romans do:

Try and observe others by paying close attention to their body language and communication approaches. This will not only help you in getting acquainted with people but will also help simplify your phase of transition.

4. Do your homework well:

You must gather relevant information on local culture and customs before arriving in the host country. Visit Web sites and read books about the country's history, geography, and customs; study maps; read newspapers with good international news coverage.

5. Understand and accept new Social behaviours and customs:

You may not find people in a country as warm and friendly as in your home country. They may appear to keep a deliberate distance or act formally. Rather than feeling left out, drop your judgments and strive to find common ground.

6. Take care of your physical well-being:

Exposure to a new environment and unfamiliar weather conditions can harm your health. While maintaining healthy eating habits, make sure you get enough rest. Relaxation and a balanced lifestyle will help you acclimate faster to the new place.

7. Share your concerns with fellow international students:

Discussing common concerns with fellow students undergoing a similar transition will provide you with fresh perspectives and viewpoints to deal with issues related to new cultural adjustment.

8. Beat the homesickness:

Keep in touch with your family through WhatsApp, Skype and Facetime. Dine in an Indian restaurant and visit your neighbourhood grocery store to feel at home. Remind yourself that homesickness is a “transient emotion”, and you are mentally equipped to overcome it.

Wrapping Up….

Moving to a new place and adjusting to a new culture will always take time. International students should always understand that settling in a new place will make you feel out of place. But as you make friends, the process of living there becomes easier. Now that you have ways to deal with your culture shocks, it’s time to apply to the top universities abroad. If you require help choosing the top universities abroad, speak to our Yocket counsellors, who can assist you well.  

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Cope With Cultural Shock

How long does it take to overcome cultural shock?

What triggers cultural shock?

How do you feel during the first stage of cultural shock?

Is cultural shock a mental illness?

Does culture shock happen to everyone?

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