Student VISA

Fall 2017 – F1 Student Visa Experience: (Chennai Consulate | Midwestern State University | Computer Science - Approved)

Rohan Deshmukh

Profile Details:

University: Midwestern State University
Course: MS in Computer Science

First Attempt
Mumbai Consulate
July 2017
Status: Rejected
Counter No: 24

Visa Interview Experience:

Undergraduate May-2014
3 year experience as Android Developer

ME: Good morning
VO: Good morning. So Why Computer Science?
Want to specialize in Cyber Security & GPU - Hybrid Programming so for that I will secure my job in TCS at Gandhinagar as post of System analyst.

VO: Why Cyber Security?
I am an Android Developer and I want to secure my job as system analyst so for that I need to understand and specialize into cyber security.

VO: Why Midwestern State University?
It provides me a specialisation in both Cyber Security & GPU-Hybrid Programming and also provides research facilities under professor Dr. Colmenors who is same area of research so I choose that Universities.

VO: Do you have any senior in this university?
(Here, my real sister is studying on same University there for I say no just because of I am not to consider VO's attention on this and create any problem so)

VO: Who is sponsoring you?
My Family.

VO: Who is in your family?
My Father & Mother & Brother-in-Law.

VO: What do father?
Say big show room of xyz.
(Few seconds typing)

VO: Which Universities do you applied?
Midwestern State University, National University of San Diego, Tamuk, CSU Bernardino
(Few seconds typing)

VO: Who has showroom your father / brother-in-law?

VO: What do your brother in law?
Doing job as senior managerial position at xyz company.

VO: After 20 seconds say, sorry can’t approve your visa today.
Thank You.

Second Attempt

Consulate: Mumbai
August 2017
Counter No: 34

That counter just open before 4-5 students & Lady was rude, All students refuge but just before me only. Now my turn.

ME: Good Morning (smile).
VO: No response tell me pass me Passport & I20
given, with sure ma’am

VO: What's your GRE?

VO: Repeat that question.
286 with my first class Distinction in undergraduate

VO: When you did your undergraduate?
June 2014

VO : What you did since then?
I have been working under 2 software companies with post of Android Developer.

VO: What you do in your work?
I Develop Android application.

VO: Why this university?
My University is GPU education centre which is organised by NVIDIA. with the help of that I better understand my application programming by doing real time practicals with the help of tools, labs which all are provided by NVIDIA.
It also provides me a specialisation into GPU & Hybrid Programming in combination with Cyber Security which is my major area of interest.

VO: Who is your sponsor?
Parents (here, I exclude my brother in law which I told last time because of I feel it's not convenient for me to say his name for sponsor)

VO: What they do?
They are doing business since 35 years.

VO: What type of business?
Father has big showroom of wrist watches & wall clocks &Mother is investors & trader in equity stock market.

After few seconds  she say me
VO: Sorry For this time
ME: I appreciate your decision ma’am. can I know where should I weak in my profile?

VO: It's written in 214 slip you can check it.

Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.

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