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    GRE AWA Template: How to Write the GRE AWA Essays?



    The GRE analytical writing assessment tests your analytical and writing skills. The assessment has a time duration of 60 minutes, and entails 2 tasks. The first being “Analyse an Issue” and the other being  “Analyse an Argument”. As the name itself suggests, the "Analyse an Issue” task assesses your understanding of an issue and how well you interpret it with reasons. The other section analyses given arguments through logical reasons.

    Your essay must be convincing and easy to comprehend if you wish to score good in this section. Whether you are confident about the GRE AWA section or not, practice is the key to help you complete this section within the given time frame. Here we have prepared a complete guide with GRE analytical writing template, suggestions for writing better while also managing your time and also help you understand how your skills will be measured and scored by raters.

    GRE AWA Template Format 

    First of all, we need to understand the essay format using AWA template GRE. The task is to time yourself properly so as to read, comprehend, compose and answer within 30 minutes. The basic GRE analytical writing template must comprise 5-paragraphs while some of you may prefer to have 4 or 6 paragraphs depending on how you divide the body of the essay Here is what the basic 5-paragraph GRE AWA template must include:

    • Introduction
    • Body (Para 1)
    • Body (Para 2)
    • Final Body (Para 3)
    • Conclusion

    Let us closely discuss what each of these paragraphs must highlight in your GRE AWA template:

    1. Introduction

    To start the essay, you must first state the given issue or topic and briefly explain it in your own words. This part is the kickstart of your essay and is very important to catch the attention of the reader. In the final few lines of your introduction, introduce what’s coming next for the reader to hold their attention. Try to keep the introduction as specific as possible such that it shows you have clearly understood the central idea of the topic.

    2. Body (Para 1)

    This is the part where you must put your best foot forward i.e. come up with the best and most relevant example or argument you have in mind. You can bring up examples from any background, be it social, political, cultural, historical, and on and so forth, but you must be confident that it matches your position in the essay.

    3. Body (Para 2)

    Being the 3rd paragraph of your essay, you must start it with a smooth transition from the previous paragraph and follow the same pattern of giving an example along with a suitable explanation and reinstating your thesis in the essay. If you wish to keep 4 paragraphs in your essay, this will be the final body paragraph and you will move on to the conclusion.

    4. Final Body (Para 3)

    Decide a transition phrase again before citing another example. Since this is the 3rd example, keep in mind that it is something other than what you have already specified in the above paragraphs. Wind up your discussion by gradually pointing towards the conclusion.

    5. Conclusion

    The last part of the GRE AWA essay is the conclusion which is equally important as the other parts in the paragraph. So don’t be in haste to complete the essay by mentioning general lines at the end to fulfil the word limit. This is where you summarise the entire essay in a few lines and also refute the opposite viewpoint. Include a few analytical statements to make the conclusion effective.


    How to Write GRE AWA Essays?

    Now that you have learnt about the template for GRE issue essay and argument essay, let us take a look at some useful tips. Here are a few suggestions that will help you to structure GRE argument and GRE issue essay template better:

    • Practice is the key to perfection, therefore rather than being worried about your paper, keep practising various topics that are relevant to the real world.
    • While framing your essay try to be concise and relevant.
    • A well-organised essay following GRE AWA templates is always preferred.
    • While citing examples, see that your example does not occupy most part of the essay.
    • The central idea and your take on it must be emphasised upon.
    • Writing in first person speech is not a very good idea especially for the introduction and conclusion.
    • A smart way to conclude your essay is by mentioning the opposing views and then invalidating it by stating your own reasoning and ending it with a strong conclusive statement.
    • At the end, try to save yourself a few minutes to give a quick read to your essay and spot any grammatical errors so that it does not affect your scores.

    This was all about the GRE AWA essay template. To ace the GRE AWA, you must look at sample topics, previous year responses, the GRE AWA template, marking scheme and understand expected topics. There is no restriction on the subject area from which questions can be expected. It could be related to social sciences, humanities, fine arts, etc. so keep exploring topics from all these subjects.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about GRE AWA Template

    How should I start my GRE AWA issue?


    What are the main criteria for evaluation of GRE AWA?


    How long should the GRE AWA essay be?


    Are GRE AWA scores important for admission to MS?


    How can I score 4.0 or above in GRE AWA?


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