Courses tips and info

Most Popular Courses in 2020

Kashyap Matani

While passion and interest for a particular subject should be the driving factor while choosing your education major and career path, it is helpful to know the options available so that you can make a suitable match. We have listed the top five, most popular courses to pursue in 2020 for students to make an informed decision about the next few crucial years of their life.

  1. Graphic Design and Animation

The internet has redefined our communication modules and has necessarily evolved as the new mass medium. Tomorrow will only see advancement in the use of technology for transmission of messages. In such a scenario, the use of effective design and animation techniques to propagate and generate brand value is inevitable.

  1. Biotech

Healthcare is increasingly relying on technology for better diagnosis and treatment options. Medical devices, healthcare services, and pharmaceuticals are constantly evolving, and a degree or diploma is biotechnology can have promising opportunities not just in 2020, but even in the time that follows.

  1. Business Administration and Management

The start-up culture is at its peak across the world, while conventional corporate environments continue to head towards specialization. In both scenarios, education in running a business while managing people has been deemed inexcusable, making education in business a popular choice amongst most youngsters. Consultancies continue to have the highest paying jobs across the world, and the biggest advantage of studying business remains that one’s education remains industry agnostic, leaving the doors of scope and potential, wide open.

  1. Data Sciences

Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data analytics are the future of all industries. Most universities offer these courses at a master’s level since the multi-disciplinary stream requires a foundation in aspects of information technology, mathematics, statistics, and computer sciences. It can be a significant add on for engineering graduates who are looking to advance their career with specialized masters, making it one of the best courses to study in 2020.

  1. Environmental Engineering

The increasing pollution and population have made environmental sciences one of the most relevant streams to educate and master oneself in. Encompassing aspects like renewable technology, green architecture, and energy-efficient fuels, specification in this stream can be of immense benefit to oneself and to the world.


While online courses have populated the short-term and long-term space in education, the best courses in 2020 continue to reside with reputed universities that train students with both practical and theoretical knowledge. The best way to choose a course, however, is the conventional old-school ways of picking a discipline of one’s choice and taking recommendations from students and professionals pursuing a career in the same.

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