Student VISA

Fall 2016- F1 Student Visa Experience: (Chennai Consulate | University of Michigan, Dearborn | Information System- Approved)

Kashyap Matani

Profile Details:

University: University of Michigan, Dearborn
Course: MS in Information System

First Attempt
Chennai Consulate
July 2016
Status: Approved

Visa interview Experience:

I was the second candidate for the VO. He was in mid 40's and he was very involved in the financial documents of the previous candidate. Since, I am the second person I had time to notice where the speaker and MIC is located and which will be the comfortable place for me to stand. Because the previous person was moving his posture between left and right to hear the VO voice.

Now its time for me

VO: Pass on your passport please
Passed my passport and I20.

VO: Glad, I will take your I20 as well. So, Why University of Michigan Dearborn?
Told. Relating my work with Honeywell International experience with area of interest and collected few details about college infrastructure and applicability of course in India.

VO: OK. Honeywell International with 3 years experience. That's Awesome.
I acknowledge saying Yes with broad smile.

VO: Who are sponsoring you?
Explained about my scholarship and sponsor details with exact amount

VO: May I have the details about your scholarship from the university?
I told Sure. Took few seconds to take the document from the file and he was typing in his monitor. I passed on my CA statement and FD as well. He kept the FD on one side and starting scanning my CA statement

VO: Whats your sponsor doing?
Explained about their employment and told their experience as well. (If your sponsors are government employee, feel free to tell them about their job and experience as well)

VO: (Suddenly VO started asking) Whats your husband doing ?
(Even though I have straight answer, my mind had lot of questions). I told he is student at united states of America

VO: Oh student. Which university and same person is sponsoring him? He stopped typing and concentrated only on me.
University of Michigan- Dearbon and he have scholarship of so and so with educational loan. Shall I pass on the originals of his scholarship or loan details?

VO: Told no. That's why you have also chosen University of Michigan -Dearborn!
(OK. I am gone. I will get rejected. This what going on my mind). I told no Sir. I want to pursue my ambition in Enterprise Information field. I have applied for UMD- Annarbor and Ohio state university as well. UMD- Annarbor was my first preference and Ohio, UMD- dearborn was equally competent. Unfortunately, I dint get admit in first two preference.

VO: Hmm, Whats the course you applied in Ohio and Annarbor?
Same Information systems.

VO: Why dont you take F2 and get settled with him? Rather than studying and taking pressure and leaving your job with 3 years of exp?
Again, I want to pursue my ambition and work on it. I don’t have any mindset to get settled now.

VO: How long you have been married?
Two months. (He smiled back).

VO: How many moths the coursework you have taken?
(I dono months details)I told 2 years.

VO: what you going to do after your Masters?
I want to come back to India to start a company concentrating on managing Enterprise information. In India the data is available all over but proper structuring and managing requires specialization. I hope the course I have taken here will provide me enough confidence to do it so.

VO: He picked up my CA statement and started calculating something. He took few seconds for that
Finally he took a pen and started talking. I AM APPROVING YOUR VISA. ENJOY YOUR STAY!
I am taking your passport with me and you will get notified in couple of days.

ME: Thank you Sir. Have a great day!

Be bold and confident. Have a smile when required. Place your file on the left hand side, there is place for keeping it. Loosen your hands and maintain eye contact throughout your conversation. He may be typing and he will be concentrating. Even though he does not ask for proofs on financial statement, its better to have CA statement and show it to him. Learn few things about college and relate it will your area of interest. It will help you for many questions. VO will try to twist us in asking same questions in different way. But our answer should be constant.

Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity. 

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